Pingstkyrkan Lund or the Pentecostal Church in Lund is a diverse community of believers united by our faith in Jesus Christ and our shared desire to worship and grow together. Pingstkyran Lund has multiple congregations, and Pentecost International is the congregation where English is the primary language for our services.
We want to make Jesus known, believed, loved and followed. This mission is anchored on personal growth of each believer, mutual growth in the church, and growth in care for others in our communities.
It is therefore not surprising that we are happy when we meet new people in Lund and even happier when we can invite people to our gatherings.
We believe in one God, revealed in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that man was created all through good but out of freewill chose to sin and thereby lost fellowship with God.
We believe that every person can have a restored, personal fellowship with God through salvation in Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Bible is the word of God to all people and it is guiding principles for the believer.
We believe that the believer's baptism involves the burial of the old nature and a resurrection to a new life in Jesus Christ.
We believe that the baptism of the Spirit is an experience that gives the believing power to be a witness to God and equips the believer for the life God intended.
We believe the church has the task of expressing God's love for the world through concrete actions, and to help people to receive restored relationships first and foremost toward God, and then to their fellow man and finally to all creation.
We believe and patiently wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to return and gather together all believers to Himself and establish new heavens and a new earth where evil does not exist.
Our vision is to be an international church where people love God wholeheartedly, care for one another and share God’s love with others.
Rather than simply tell about the life-changing love of Jesus, we want to be a people who care for, welcome, and support those around us in a way that can only be inspired by God.
It is our hope that when people visit our church or interact with us, it would lay the foundations for life-changing conversations, new relationships and ultimately, salvation in Jesus Christ.
Our leaders volunteer to provide care, direction and support to the church. They are supported by a pool of volunteers who provide the needed support, lead and play vital roles in our church,
Hospitality Department
Children & Youth Department
Women & Special Events Department
Administration & Finance Dept
The service is dedicated to worship, praise, testimonies, sermons and prayers. We have FIKA upstairs after the service. The service is from 2pm – 4pm.
We meet on Wednesdays for Teaching Service, Prayer Service, Bible Studies and Worship Evenings on the different weeks. The evening session starts at 6.30pm – 7.30pm.
In addition to our Sunday and Midweek services, we also gather for various events and activities, both within specific ministries and departments. Keep an eye on our events calendar for any changes in meeting times during our joint weeks, and stay informed about all our gatherings.
Joint Weeks is a dedicated time when all congregations of Pingstkyrkan come together for shared services. This includes:
During Joint Week, we may also hold our Annual General Meetings, where members gather to discuss and make decisions on church matters. These meetings typically take place after the Sunday service.
The schedule for services and meetings can vary across different Joint Weeks. Please check the calendar for the dates and times of the next Joint Week.
Volunteering is a great way to get plugged into church, contribute to developing the church community, and serve Jesus at the same time. Sometimes finding where to start from can be a challenge. The list below includes some of the many ways one can volunteer in church.
Join the prayer & intercessory team of the church. This team meets once every other week to pray for the church and specific needs of church members.
Periodically call & follow up with church members. Spend some time with members who may be unwell or are in the hospital and would like a visit.
Help to keep the church looking nice. Check that common /shared areas in the church are clean and fit for function before & after the service. It may include arranging chairs for prayer meeting upstairs or decorating the church for special sunday meetings.
Stand at the door to greet and hand out bulletins. Provide information about church & activities at the Welcome Table. Help with seating, ensure movement of people in the auditorium does not distract from the service.
Help with the setting the sound, lights and projection in your church. Even if you don’t have much experience with audio and video, you can probably learn all you need to know if you have any interest.
We partner with some grocery stores to make food (that would have otherwise gone to waste) available to people in need. You can dedicate some of your time and skills to pick up, transport, sort, repack and distribute the food.
Join the singers and the music band who lead and assist the congregation in corporate praise and adoration during our services and other events.
Complete the form and we would connect with you.
Mathjälpen is a social outreach program of the Pentecostal Church in Lund. With this program we want to support those who may be having a hard time financially.
We do this by collecting short-dated food items from our partners. The food becomes part of a grocery bag, providing an environmental solution to food waste.
Since we only distribute what we receive, the availability, contents and quantity of the food bag varies. It should therefore not be seen as complete, but as an aid along the way. To take part in a grocery bag, contact us and make an application. Depending on whether we are able to take new applications, we will connect with you.